Tag Archives: South magazine

Provençal Crosses published in South Poetry Magazine

South issue 48Pizza with friend in Maidenhead then round the corner to the launch of South (issue 48) where I read my poem ‘Provençal Crosses’ to the winking eye of a video recorder and appreciative audience (or so I like to hope!)

One of the joys of going to launches is hearing poems performed by their authors. It was therefore delightful to hear other contributors to South get up and declaim, including Andy Hickmott (Footsteps of Dancing Giants), Kitty Coles (A Soul), Patricia Griffin (Father) and Jennie Christian (Down Under).   

With 60 sparkling poems, plus incisive reviews of the latest poetry collections, including ‘The Silence Unheard’ by Ruth O’Callaghan, and ‘Bloodhound’ by Lisa Kelly, South is  a must at £7 incl p&p.  Or go wild and subscribe for a year’s worth of magazines at £12 incl. P&P.

To order a copy of issue 48 or submit your own work, please visit: http://www.southpoetry.org

The deadline for submissions is 30th November 2013.

For more information about the poetry and plays of Claire Booker, please visit: http://www.bookerplays.co.uk